Seminar on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

The seminar on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) compliance and credit liabilities for processors, brand owners, and manufacturers: The Indian Plast Pack Forum (IPPF) organized a seminar on EPR compliance and credit liabilities on November 3, 2023.

Mr. Sachin Bansal ( President IPPF ) Addressing The Seminar on EPR

The seminar provided the latest information on EPR regulations and the potential financial consequences of non-compliance. IPPF President Mr. Sachin Bansal discussed how to comply with the latest EPR rules and the importance of EPR compliance. EPR Definition: Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a policy approach that shifts responsibility for end-of-life product management from governments and taxpayers to producers and consumers. Purpose of EPR: Encourages producers to design environmentally friendly products and take responsibility for recycling or disposal at the end of the product's life. New EPR Rules in India: Stricter rules requiring producers to recycle or dispose of a higher percentage of their products. Financial Penalties: Non-compliance with EPR rules incurs financial penalties.

Mr. Sachin Bansal With Key Spelkar Mr. Kurnal Goda and Director Anant Tattva Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai

Importance: Compliance is crucial to avoid financial penalties and enhance brand reputation. Credit Liabilities: Producers have financial obligations (credit liabilities) under EPR rules. Credits can be earned by environmentally responsible product disposal and can be traded. Early Compliance: Emphasizes the importance of early compliance with EPR rules. Compliance Plan: Producers should develop a robust EPR compliance plan. EPR Consultants: Highlights the benefits of working with EPR consultants. Attendees: Industrialists in the EPR sector, industry officials, and individuals interested in the regulatory changes.

Indian Plast Pack Forum President Mr. Sachin Bansal and Forums Prominent Members

Value of the Seminar: A valuable resource for processors, brand owners, and manufacturers seeking to understand and comply with the new and stringent EPR rules in India. This information provides a clear understanding of the seminar's content and its significance for stakeholders in the plastics industry in India. It covers regulatory updates, compliance strategies, and the importance of early action in adapting to the evolving EPR landscape.


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