Mission LiFE: Union Environment Ministry got active participation in Indore program

 MP Pollution Control Board Hosts Event on Project Life

The Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board (MPPCB) hosted a division-level event on Mission LiFE, an initiative of the Union Environment Ministry. The event was held at Hotel Marriott, Indore, on May 25, 2023, and saw active participation from industrial organizations, NGOs, and institutions working towards environmental protection.

Mission LiFE is a global initiative that aims to promote mindful and deliberate utilization of resources, instead of mindless and destructive consumption. The initiative aims to mobilize at least one billion Indians and other global citizens to take individual and collective action for protecting and conserving the environment.

The event was attended by a number of dignitaries, including Indore Collector Shri Ilaiya raja T., Indore MP Shri Shankar Lalwani, MPPSB RO Shri SN Trivedi, Indian Plast Pack Forum President Sachin Bansal, and many other renowned speakers. In his address, Shri Ilaiya raja T. said that Mission LiFE is a timely and important initiative that can help to address the pressing environmental challenges that we face. He urged all participants to join hands to make Mission LiFE a success.

Shri Shankar Lalwani said that he was happy to see such a strong turnout for the event. He said that environmental protection is a collective responsibility and that we all need to play our part. Shri SN Trivedi said that the MPPCB is committed to supporting Mission LiFE: and will work closely with all stakeholders to make it a success. Shri Sachin Bansal said that the Indian Plast Pack Forum is committed to promoting sustainable packaging solutions and will work with Mission LiFE to achieve its goals. the event was a success in raising awareness about Mission LiFE and mobilizing support for the initiative. The MPPCB is committed to continuing to work with all stakeholders to make Mission LiFE a success in Madhya Pradesh.

The Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board (MPPCB) is a state government agency that is responsible for the prevention and control of pollution in Madhya Pradesh. The MPPCB is committed to protecting the environment and ensuring the health and well-being of the people of Madhya Pradesh.


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