Indian Plast Times

Indian Plast Times is a media house in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, which covers the latest news, trends and developments in the plastics industry in India. They publish a monthly magazine, daily e-newsletter, and have an active online presence. Indian Plast Times is a valuable resource for anyone involved in the plastics industry in India.

Mr. Sachin Bansal is the Founder and Chief Editor of the Indian Plast Times. He is a renowned figure in the Indian plastics industry with over 20 years of experience. He is also the President of the INDIAN PLAST PACK FORUM and the Managing Director of Bhaskar Resins Pvt Ltd. He is an expert in polymer science and technology and has a deep understanding of the Indian plastics market. He is a passionate advocate for the development of the Indian plastics industry and is committed to providing his readers with high-quality, informative content.

Indian Plast Times Website

Here are some of the things that Indian Plast Times is known for:

  • Comprehensive coverage of the plastics industry: Indian Plast Times covers all aspects of the plastics industry, from raw materials and machinery to manufacturing and end-use applications.
  • In-depth analysis of industry trends: Indian Plast Times provides expert analysis of the latest trends in the plastics industry, helping readers make informed decisions.
  • Focus on sustainable plastics: Indian Plast Times is committed to promoting the use of sustainable plastics in India.
  • Strong online presence: Indian Plast Times has a website and social media presence that keeps readers up-to-date on the latest news and developments.


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