Industrialists Meet to Discuss Waste Water Treatment

 Meeting of Industrialists on Industrial Wastewater Treatment

 A meeting of various industrialists was arranged in the conference hall of the president's office at Sector-D Sanwer Road Industrial Area to discuss the various provisions and penalties for treatment of industrial waste water. Mr. Pawan Jain Additional Collector Indore addressed the industrialists.

The meeting was held on December 29, 2021, and was specifically for plastic industries. The industrialists were informed about the various provisions of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, and the penalties for non-compliance. They were also urged to adopt best practices for waste water treatment to minimize their environmental impact.

Mr. Jain said that the government is committed to protecting the environment and will take strict action against those who pollute the water. He urged the industrialists to cooperate with the government in this endeavor.

The meeting was attended by a large number of industrialists who showed keen interest in the topic. They raised several questions about the provisions of the law and the penalties for non-compliance. Mr. Jain and other officials from the pollution control board answered their questions in detail.

The meeting was successful in raising awareness about the importance of waste water treatment among industrialists. It is hoped that this will lead to a reduction in water pollution in Indore.


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