IPPF Delegation Visits Gujarat State Plastic Manufacturers Association

A high-level delegation from the Indian Plast Pack Forum (IPPF), led by Chairman Shri Sachin Bansal, recently visited the Gujarat State Plastic Manufacturers Association (GSPMA), the leading industry body for plastics manufacturers in Gujarat.

During a productive meeting, GSPMA President Shri Bharat Patel, Treasurer Shri Devang Pathak, Senior Member Shri C.V. Jain, and other key officials engaged in fruitful discussions on the upcoming Plast Pack 2025 event. The IPPF delegation formally invited all GSPMA members to actively participate in this important exhibition.

The IPPF delegation also included Shri Ankit Bharuka, Secretary, Shri Zahid Shah, Senior Vice President, and Shri Vishal Soni, along with former IPPF President Shri Brijesh Gandhi. The presence of these esteemed members further strengthened the interaction and emphasized the significance of collaboration between the two associations.


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