Indore Collector Visits Sanwer Road Sector D to Address Industrial Concerns

 Indore Collector Visits Industrial Area to Address Issues

On February 11, 2023, Indore Collector Shri Ilaiah Raja T visited Sanwer Road Sector D to meet with representatives of the industrial sector and discuss their concerns. The visit was part of an ongoing effort by the district administration to address the challenges faced by businesses in Indore.

During the meeting, Mr. Sachin Bansal, President of the Indian Plast Pack Forum, raised the specific issues faced by the plastic industry. He highlighted the need for better infrastructure, more efficient waste management, and a more favorable regulatory environment.

Other industry representatives also spoke about their concerns, which included a lack of access to skilled labor, high electricity costs, and complex bureaucratic procedures.

Collector Raja T assured the industry representatives that the district administration is committed to addressing their concerns and creating a more supportive environment for businesses in Indore. He also urged industry leaders to work together with the government to find solutions to common challenges.

Officials from the Municipal Corporation, District Industry and Trade Center, and other relevant departments were also present at the meeting and participated in the discussion.

The visit by Collector Raja T underscores the district administration's commitment to fostering a thriving industrial sector in Indore. By working closely with businesses, the government can help create an environment that is conducive to growth and investment.


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