Plastic Cluster Development in Indore

 Plastic Cluster Development in Indore-Meeting With Manish Singh Ji 

A meeting was held in Bhopal on May 4, 2023, to discuss the establishment of a plastic cluster in Indore. The meeting was attended by the President of the Indian Plast Pack Forum (IPPF), Mr. Sachin Bansal, the newly appointed Managing Director of the Madhya Pradesh Industrial Development Corporation (MPIDC), Mr. Manish Singh, and the Principal and Director of CIPET Bhopal, Mr. Sandesh Kumar Jain.

During the meeting, Mr. Bansal congratulated Mr. Singh on his new appointment and urged him to make decisions that are in the best interests of the plastic industry. Mr. Jain also discussed the possibility of setting up a CIPET center in Indore.

In addition, Mr. Bansal and other senior IPPF members, including Mr. Hitesh Mehta, Mr. Ram Kishore Rathi, Mr. Shobhit Burman, Mr. Sanjeev Sachdev, and Mr. Rakesh Biyani, provided information about the progress being made towards establishing the plastic cluster in Indore.


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