MPIDC Extends Support to Plast Pack 2025


The Madhya Pradesh Industrial Development Corporation (MPIDC), a key entity within the state's Industries Department, has pledged its support as a co-organizer of Plast Pack 2025, organized by the Indian Plast Pack Forum (IPPF).

On December 5, 2024, a significant meeting was held with MPIDC Managing Director Shri Chandramouli Shukla (IAS). During this meeting, the state government expressed its strong support for Plast Pack 2025, Central India's premier exhibition for the plastic, packaging, and printing industries.

IPPF President Shri Sachin Bansal, along with Vice Presidents Shri Zahid Shah and Shri Praveen Gupta, engaged in productive discussions with Shri Shukla and his team. The meeting included a presentation on Plast Pack 2025, highlighting its innovative approach and commitment to setting new industry standards, guided by the valuable insights of MPIDC. The primary objective of this exhibition, to foster industrial growth within the state, was emphasized throughout the discussions.


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