Indore Municipal Corporation Meets with Industry Leaders to Discuss Single-Use Plastic Ban

Indore Municipal Corporation Meets Industry Stakeholders to Discuss Single-Use Plastic Ban In a concerted effort to combat the menace of single-use plastic, the Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC) convened a meeting with representatives from various industrial organizations to discuss the implementation of the ban on single-use plastic items. The meeting, held under the leadership of Corporation Commissioner Mrs. Pratibha Pal and Additional Commissioner Sandeep Soni, brought together key stakeholders to explore sustainable alternatives and address industry concerns. Mr. Sachin Bansal, President of the Indian Plast Pack Forum, actively participated in the discussions, advocating for the interests of plastic manufacturers. He emphasized the need to identify viable alternatives to single-use plastic packaging and urged the authorities to provide adequate time for industries to dispose of their existing stocks of finished goods. The meeting also delved into the potential environmental...